A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)
I am driven to live a meaningful, purpose-driven life. In order to do this, I realize that self-discipline is necessary. Too often, Comfort and Procrastination have kept me from aggressively moving forward in my pursuits. But clearly, with these two forces at play, it is impossible to live an abundant life. As Frederick Douglas taught us, where there is no struggle, there can be no progress.
With all that said, there still needs to be balance. I have found that IN ADDITION TO drive, and hunger, and discipline, THERE ALSO NEEDS TO BE peace, and laughter, and a cheerful heart.
A cheerful heart is good medicine. Laughter and fun are as important to our health as persistence and discipline.
Pick up a funny movie, go to a comedy show, or just look in the mirror for a few minutes. But cheer up and laugh a little! You’ll feel a whole lot better.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
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I like to think that the Word feeds the soul, while laughter cleanses it.
firstly, i guess it depends on what exactly your personal pursuits are and what you interpret an "abundant life" as being... my interpretation has never been "the accumulating of material things" and i am not trying to say that you (Lee) interpret it as this way either, but just knowing that there are many who do, this is my view on things...
when Jesus died so that we may have life, i perceive that as being his GIFT of life (i mean what more could we need or want or ask for anyhow) and when it says more abundantly i interpret that as meaning simply -- NO DEATH.. life eternally..... isn't that life abundantly? living forever and ever?
secondly, i do realize that God told man that he would take care of his family by working hard... (in so many words LOL) however, we have to keep it in perspective; what are we striving for? to take care of the needs of the family or are we trying to get a lot of stuff? i don't look at being comfortable with where you are as a bad thing... and i don't consider my life as meaningless or without purpose just because i'm not trying to get "stuff". and it doesn't mean that i don't have drive, hunger or discpline... i just drive, hunger and discipline myself in other areas of life. i'm not saying striving for more is bad either, HOWEVER priorities have to be in order! does it keep you from loved ones? are you losing sleep? so long as the moving forward does not interfere with what is REALLY important in life - so be it. but if you are neglecting what is REALLY important to seek after those things, then i would say that it is not a good choice... the BIBLE says specifically that if we are clothed and fed, we should be content with that...
in my eyes the MOST VALUABLE thing we have is TIME.... work as much as you want to acquire whatever material things you can think of, and then guess what, there will be something else you wish you had the money to get, and so goes the cycle, and then you spend (note the word SPEND) your TIME trying to earn more money to get more stuff.. stuff that is not eternal anyhow... i just don't see the point... don't get me wrong, i do the college thing, like i said before, i don't believe that there is anything WRONG at all with striving for more, but if we find that our time is not properly prioritized according to what and especially WHO is important then i think that it is not good because we CANNOT get time that has been SPENT already back....
p.s. sorry for being so long winded, some things i feel very passionately about; this is one of them.
God has created many things to be enjoyed... we do need to stop and laugh and be less serious at times. This life is a tough, tough journey a lot of times.
Peace, Love and Strength.
I am about to go Webster:
In response to alanna's comment, I think it is important to define what the bible means, in John 10:10, when it talks about "abundant life". Life in this scripture is translated from the word "Zoe" which means - 1) the state of one who is possessed of vitality or is animate 2) life real and genuine, a life active and vigorous, devoted to God (Source: Greek Lexicon - Crosswalk.com).
Vitality - capacity to live and develop.
Christ came that we might be possessed with vitality or with the capacity to live and develop.
There are two parts to this, live - which to me is the here and now and develop is the long term.
Now back to the blog.
Peace, and laughter, and a cheerful heart is the live, the short term and the drive, and hunger, and discipline, that is for the long term.
Balance is the key - you can be so focused on the short term - having fun that you don't plan for the future and you can't be so focused on the future that you don't enjoy the here and now.
One last thing - I do not see anything wrong with "things" if you don't compromise your belief system to get it.
There is nothing wrong with driving a bright red Porche if that is what you enjoy. The problem lies in what you do to get it.
B Real!!!
-capacity to develop-
as far as the "developing" goes, God is concerned with developing our SPIRIT and our MINDS.... not our bank account!
He came so that we could have abundant life -or the capacity to develop -our spirit -our minds... His intention on the developing of our mind is to bring us to true GODLY repentance -the changing of our MINDS- bringing us from Glory to Glory so that when we see him we will be like him...
now if you read thoroughly my response, then you would see that i said acquiring things is NOT necessarily a bad thing, nor is a secular education (i MYSELF do attend college) and if in the process you get a degree and if it affords you the opportunity to make enough money in a (single) 40 hour paycheck to drive a por-S-che - that's great - i'm not hating on you. MY viewpoint was that i don't believe we should work 90 hours a week or have a woman working out of the home (thus keeping us from the things that are REALLY important) to acquire things that are temporary...
and again, just because my drive, hunger and disciplines are not that of achieving material things does NOT mean that i don't plan for my future... my children (who ARE the future) are what drive me, and i hunger for their spiritual, mental and physical well being so i discipline myself daily to be their example.... training them in the way... when you "train" it has to be constant non stop, in your face, and repetitive. and as a side bar i do make an income, just from my home... because being here for my children is more important than anything i could buy them... God gave them to ME to raise, not a babysitter... our "NEEDS" are met. we are clothed and fed and we ARE content (as hard as it may seem)...
a GOOD IN DEPTH reading of 1 Timothy Chapter 6 should clear this all up if you still can't understand where I'm coming from.
people focus on the "love" of money is the root of all evil... and they will say, i don't "LOVE" it more than GOD... but what does it say after that? which while some COVETED after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. JUST BY COVETING AFTER IT (SIMPLY DESIRING IT) THEY HAVE ERRED FROM THE FAITH... then it goes on to say FLEE these things and seek after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. SPIRITUAL THINGS
that's all i'm saying and that's what's REAL
Have to laugh and stay positive. Negativity will kill the atmosphere all the time. I strive to maintian the positive atmosphere in my home. I remember growing up in a home without laughter and it wasnt good.
LOLOLOL....Mr. Lee, I must say that you really know how to start my day. Very interesting topics, but the most interesting of them all is that when you do present a topic for comments, discussions, input most often the subject or christian religion is initiated. Yummy, yum, yum. Very often we accept religious philospy because we have found a place of comfort within it. So what happens is that we find no need to further research the origins of the religion and we accept the story. That is OK for those whom are comfortable and have chosen to accept it. Unfortunately, religion especially the protestant christian religions tends to beleive that it is a world dominated religion. And by research....it is or is it. It may be that some religions choose not to participate in surveys.
Why is it that christianity tends to rule? Because the story is soooo and sooooo insane to some. The stories of who this almight God is, sounds pretty darn convincing. Yes it does. But too often it has been my experience that because christianity has the big head and the assumption that it is the 411 on this almighty being, many of it's followers with unfounded experience in any other religion....discrimates and has no problem disregarding other religious beliefs and practices.
Many religions are there to offer people a way of life and a way of making good choices. My concern with christian stories is that they continue to talk about dead people that have had thier stories told and it is a good story.
The story of this Jesus corresponds very closely to the story of ISIS and her beloved son who also died. If you were to take account of some of the passages in the bible and compare the writing terms of that year, you will find that it is was not the language of that time. Some of those wonderful words of wisdom were written by others.
Read the book of "famous quotes", you will be shocked to find many of them are used as words from God by the good ole boys...I mean books...claimed to be the bible.
And the concerpt that God is gender based only gives false powers to those seeking it...sorry Mr. Lee but I must share this one...MEN...now don't get me wrong there are some women out there with the same goal. But unfortunately, ladies ... I do like the male concept..a little bit.
Because other religions like buddism, muslims etc. do not boast as openly as the christian supporters does not mean that power is inclusive to the christian God and that all other religions are lesser in power. Because if that be the case, the assumption would be that God is a Christian....and so are the angels. To thine ownself be true, is a passage written in the bible but guess what..read Hamlet and you'll see that same statement.
Is there a claim that the author was a christian? Read "God's Secretaries", How King James came about writing the bible. The word bible means this...a book that is considered an authority on a particular subject. Yes it can be associated with a holy book but it doesn't mean that it is the exclusive authority. But it can be pretty convincing when you don't use your God given sense.
Some of those stories sound so bizarre. It is as if God is good and Evil is God's right hand reward for those who do not listen and obey. That's not a bad thing because even I beleive in revenge to a certain extent.
Each person has a right "supposedly" to pursue his or her own happiness without infringing on the rights of others. We have a right of religious choice and we have a right not to make a religious choice. It is not the absolute truth that the more you have the more you want, it all depends on the person.
I have a few choice words that will feed the soul and bring laughter but not to everyone.
Good medicine can be interpreted as our lifestye, our life's experiences. This is one of those topics that really does not have a right or wrong answer but it is open to discussion.
Sometimes conditions are necessary but there are people who will get the money "by any means necessary" to get a car or a house or anything of lesser value. Their only goal is getting the money. People will swindle, lie and cheat etc., to get what they want, even some faithful ole Christians will do that and repent later.
Now we may or may not find out how it was obtained but we are in a society that tries to dictate the rules of morality and principle, even though those making the rules may be of an immoral character.
I say this to share this... a group of parents purchased some dolls for thier daughters. When it was discovered that the dolls were the product of a lesbian community, the parents were outraged and wanted to take the dolls back. OOOKKK, so taking the dolls back may have made them feel morally better, but before it was disclosed that the makers were lesbians, the parent's loved the dolls. What is this? We want it both ways? Who really takes the time to research that stuff anyway?It isn't very many, because the fact that the dolls were created by a lesbian community that is not a multi-billion dollar industry should be irrelevant because there is no law that states lesbians are forbidden in taking part in a business. Take the dolls back, it hasn't changed thier good fortune.
Dog gone you Mr. Lee I have to go. I have cases to look at. You've done it again. Great input.
Y'all have a great day and continue to seek that which is not presented before you.......if you dare..LOL
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