Friday, February 23, 2007

Black Hair

Thanks, Dwayne, for passing this along.

Please share your thoughts and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is truely a case of supply and demand. where there is a demand, one has to supply and the Koreans are no different.
Its amazing to see that once anyone owns anything outside of the African Amrican market, its a case of somebody embroaching on their - the black person's - market.
The point I am trying to make is that if a particular group sees a niche, and goes for it, there shouldnt be a great outcry.
Blacks dont support blacks and thats the truth. (how do I emphasise this in bold lettering??)
Whites support whites, Asians support asians, even the puerto ricans support each other. No wonder these groups can grow and florish.
It will be hard sell to try to tell the African American woman not to buy her hair products from the Koreans. There prices are probably more affordable.
How many businesses are out there - owners -in black hair products? How many, would even venture to open a store that caters to the black market? Probably not as much as there should be, so the Koreans see an opening and they move in.
You really cant blame them for trying.