Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Purpose and Paper

No cute introductions today...I'll get right to the point.

Each human being on this planet has been given specific gifts and talents by our Creator . The intent was for us to identify these gifts and put those gifts into practice at the highest possible level. In other words, we all have a purpose, and that purpose coincides with our unique gifts and abilities.

However, most of us spend the largest portions of our lives engaged in activities that are not Purpose-driven, but paper(money)-driven!

We don't labor to share our gifts with the rest of humanity. Rather, we spend our precious time and energy working for a check to pay our bills, and impress "the Joneses".

I am coming closer and closer to the conclusion that we've got it all backwards. We spend our lives working with no passion, no creativity at a job whose only value is a paycheck. While at the same time, we neglect our God-given gifts.

And I actually believe that if we ever get the courage to work in our purpose, the paper will follow!


Anonymous said...

People are always chasing the almighty dollar. It is tangible. Following your purpose in life means that someone has actually had to do some self-reflection to follow that purpose. Doing this does not always translate into the "paper" accompanying the purpose. The biggest problem I see is that people put too much time into getting things they want versus really securing the things they need to leave. Priorities need to be adjusted and also and major change in the way people think needs to happen. That is the way people can really follow their purpose in life.

Anonymous said...

As the previous comment eluded to, most people would rather go for the almighty dollar than look to the Father. Part of the problem is society had placed in our minds that to be a success you must be all about the $. If you don't have $ you haven't made it. When the bible says seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all "these" things shall be added it wasn't just talking about $ You must first seek God to understand your purpose. If you understand that then you understand the "riches" of God are not just financial. You can be blessed with a great family, great friends, wisdom. You can be a positive impact to people, a role model to somebody. All of these are greater than any financial blessing. Also we must understand that everybody will not be rich in terms of $ What about being rich in spirit? $ often times gets in the way of our purpose. God didn't place us here to make money. He who winneth souls is wise. I did not read he who has a lot of money is rich. If we really begin to fulfill our "purpose" our definition of "rich" will be a whole lot different.

Anonymous said...

As an educator you truly have to have a passion for helping others or you are simply in the field for no good reason becuase you certainly won't get rich doing it. I am blessed to have been able to "enrich" lives of young people over the past 7 years and I know that my life has been filled with blessings as a result of my heart being in the right place, and my intent being honest and true to those I serve.

Anonymous said...

People sometimes think that the talent has to be used within the church's realm. Actually, I tend to disagree.
I feel, and I may be wrong, as Christ is the only one that knows all things, but I do beleive that ones gift, can also be used outside the church to bless humanity. As someone else said, there are many aspects of using ones gift. Being a positive role model can be one. Feeding the hungry of this world is another. but I think that the greatest point of scripture that comes to mind is winning souls to Christ.

Can the church say AAAAAAAmen..