Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Paper will Follow the Purpose

I'm not finished with this discussion of Purpose yet. (see yesterday's entry and comments)

Here's what I've learned: Paper (money) follows Purpose.

The Community Refuge Education and Recreation Center (CRERC) takes a busload of young men up to Penn State each year for the "Blue-White Game", the football team's annual intra-squad scrimmage (click here for more info). Many of these young men come from single-parent homes. Most of them come from families that don't have the means to send their children on weekend college trips. So, the cost of the trip is covered by grants and donations.

My buddy, Dwayne, and I have been coordinating these trips for more than seven years now. And our intent, from Day 1, was to give these young men exposure to a college environment--an environment that many of them would never see otherwise.

Neither of us have ever looked to make a dime, let alone get rich, from this venture. We simply wanted to help these young men see something different.

Well, to make a long story short, someone who saw what we were doing, and felt connected to the PURPOSE of our efforts, made a significant financial contribution to our efforts. These funds will allow us to provide scholarship money for these young men as they go on to college.

Here's my point...if we wrote a proposal for that money based on what we PLANNED TO DO, I doubt that we ever would have gotten it. But because WE FUNCTIONED IN PURPOSE--even with limited time and resources, the money came to us -- unsolicited.

Identify your purpose. Function in it to the BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. The paper will follow.

(I know this is getting to be rather long, but I must say this: Don't seek to be rich by using your gifts and talents. It is in our pursuit of wealth that we abuse our gifts, ourselves, and possibly other people. Seek to be an asset and a blessing to others, and the Creator that gifted you will more than provide for you.)


Anonymous said...

This is so true and I wish/pray more people would get it. I think back to my and my husband's courting days. We both had a passion to teach... him, teenage athletes, me, adults on how to better their futures.

We followed our passions and now I am educating folks on buying and selling homes.

My husband, left his corporate job a few years ago to follow his passion. The charter school he went to closed down, but he continued to press on. He was given a vision to come up with a not for profit organization geared to helping high school student athletes get into college and excel while there. As he was shopping his proposal around for funding, he was pointed in the direction of a local college that was looking to run a similar program... they just didn't know where to begin. Today, my husband is getting paid to run that program! The children he's helping (and their families) are blessed by the information and connections he's provided.

People always say, "money is the root of all evil." That is incorrect. The Word says, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." There's a difference. Following that paper is an act of love, and will lead to destruction.

The Lord will provide. Acknowledge HIM in all thy ways and HE will direct your path!

Anonymous said...

Now, that, is a testimony!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord and Great God Jesus.

I totally agree with the post and with the comment. People don't realize the power they have to set their destiny in motion by actions....In Luke 17:12..the Bible shows us ten lepers that wanted to be healed. And in verse 14..And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go and show yourself unto the priests. And it came to pass that, as they went, they were cleansed. Notice...the healing didn't come until they WENT...
So this principle doesn't only deal with business and other career deals with emotional, spiritual, and physical healing ...and it deals with ministry.....We have to be proactive in stiring up our gifts...and live by the understanding that faith without works is dead....God will get in it...when you begin to move TO IT..

be blessed

ev Tobaise Brookins

Anonymous said...

it is really sad that materialism is such a large part of our culture. this force has convinced multitudes of people to deny their true callings, and forsake their God-given gifts. we fall into traps that are very difficult to get out of, and the need for money becomes the focus of our entire lives. i really think we need to protect our children from the grips of materialism, and teach them the value of their intrinsic value, not just their earning potential and buying power.

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone has a natural calling to do something purposeful for man. But the questions alway arises; do we have the time? Will this deflect from our time on the job that gives us the power to pay our earthly bills? I mean, be honest. We do have to pay our bills here on this earth. Thats just reality. We cant pretend that this part of our lives just doesnt exist.
I wonder though, how many of us, actually have taken the time to do some good for humanity.
How many of us have ever served in a soup kitchen. How many of us have ever contributed to a worthy cause. How many of us in actuality, have ever volunteered our services for those less fortunate?

NeiceyDenise said...

LOLOL....Let those who will pursue and gain financial wealth so...

Wasn't this the purpose of establishing this fine country called the US of A? Let's talk about and it's...purpose, because as you know, King James' "version" is just that...his version. Do you think that the bible was written in the USA? was written at a time when the Kings and the Queens ruled, when we were ruled by....Great Britian/London..
Queen Elizabeth rest her so called soul, was related to King James and as you know...Elizabeth had his mother (her cousin) killed..yepper you got it. Whoever said that blood is thicker then water....did not know Elizabeth.
Then on top of that they use to tax the poor (10%) so that the rich could remain rich and we...yeah...stayed poor BUT let's not forget that they did make sure that the poor were able to eat and drink and even be merry....just not rich.
Oh and let's not forget that King James had a terrible time getting that bible out there, because he had to get permission from the Roman Catholic's who gave him the 411 on what could and could not be told, because after all if we set the people free they'll find out ..control is an illusion and God loves us...ALL richer or poorer. Oh and did I mention that the original sabbath starts at sundown friday to sundown saturday. Yepper that's when the new day begins..but I'm not complaining because I could use some more sleep. Oh yes, and the catechism of the coucil of trent (romam catholics) they are the ones who changed the SABBATh...and before I forget, where did the apocraphas go? Those are the books that use to be a part of the bible but of course it gave just a little bit too much information, because Daniel was in that lion's den for more then one day..
Umm...did I leave anything out...oh yes, then there is the book of John, last chapter, last two verses that reminds us that Jesus said and did so much that it could not possibly be put in all of the books on the earth...THANK GOD...I would hate to "beleive" that the entire character of GOD and Jesus is between the pages of And did I mention that they no longer talk about the MENDI BIBLE, you know the one that governed...slavery. havent' you heard about Armistad? Wow, and lets not forget Leonardo DiVinci he's the one who started the rumor by painting a picture of what..Jesus supposedly looked like.... Egypt a country on the continent of Africa....

Then there is General George Washington, as you know was a FreeMason and prior to the revolution war, he and others fought to break away from the rule of Great Britian, as you know, all they did for our great country is became independent to impose the same rules upon this country that were imposed upon us by another...
Hey...Why let great britian get all of the money when we can break away and have our own...(my words).. Then on top of that...we broke away from Great Britian but we kept their book.....the Bible.
And yes it has worked wonders. But let me clarify this...I am not writing to bring offense, because we all have a right to pursue our own happiness, but who are we to say that one religion is the ruler of ...all. Faith does not have a religious preference..and yes those people who were claimed to have been inspired by God, has given us a choice of how we'd like to live. And what's wrong with having a purpose that will drive you to want to be...financially wealthy.. I am not mad..that person is exercizng wisdom and if he or she chooses to share it with the poorer than God bless them and if he or she doesn't they will remain blessed..That is why we have freedom of choice but be careful what you could cost you your life or bring you happiness...It is still a..RISK.
would you be in love if you knew you would risk loosing that but the risk is still present...thank you Lee for letting me vent..over yonder..
I encourage people to not judge when you see someone who has or is in the season of prosperity..I say..walk up to them and did you gain it..
The love of money is also the root of those who use it for goodness sakes. Let's not focus on it's love soley for the purpose of evil. Let's get away from allowing someone else's..cliche' dictate our thoughts as a divine creation. Remember we were claimed to have been created in his image, we were not created to REPLACE God.
Those people who gave us a word of wisdom are dead and I would be broken hearted to think that we "still" can not see beyond what words they left with us. The mind is a wonderful thing to use and so is our divine connection. Let's not get caught up into "being" in prisoned by our thoughts, because it will make us afraid to think for ourselves by using the brains that God gave something divinely good...get out of the box someday.
We are sometimes hindered because we have a lack of knowledge when it comes to obtaining resources..I see pleased to see someone being paid for a gift that someone else has...acknowledged . It is as a just reward. Let's not think that prosperity is a curse, because it works both ways (good and bad) and who are we to try to "dictate" how a person should or should not prosper. Seek all of the kingdoms you want, but have the wisdom to know when you are not reaching your true potential...gosh I have to go now....cases to address, but have a great day everyone and Lee thanks for letting us put it out there in love and peace.. If I have any grammar/spelling errors..forgive yall