Friday, March 23, 2007

Decisions, Decisions

I was reminded recently of my inability to make decisions.

Whenever I'm criticized, I do some introspection to see how true the criticism is, and what adjustments I need to make to address the potential issue.

In this case, I started my examination with a visit to the dictionary. Here's what I found regarding the word "decide"...

To decide is to make a final choice or judgment about, or to select as a course of action.

The etymology for this word is important. The word derives from the Latin decidere, which literally means "to cut off" (de- + caedere: to cut).

If I'm getting this right, to decide is to select one course of action, and in doing so, cut off all other options.

Maybe that's my problem: I like having options! I like choices! Good decision-makers, however, are able to cut off less desirable options in favor of the one they feel is best.

My dad would often say, "You can't have (save) your cake and eat it, too." In other words, either you eat it now and enjoy it, or save it to enjoy later. You can't do both, so make a decision!

I guess I've got to get better at cutting the options that aren't the best option.

Are you a good decision-maker?


Anonymous said...

i think that fear is the driving factor in your case. you're afraid that you're going to die or have some kind of tragedy if you make the wrong decision. there are very few decisions that are fatal.

Anonymous said...

You aren't the only one with that problem! Its a very dominant trait for a Libra!

Anonymous said...

I believe how much or how little we were able to make decisions as children can also effect your ability to make decisions as an adult. If your parent always made the choices for you and seldom gave you options to exericise this function, as an adult, it would be difficult to make decisions because someone always made them for you.

I'm not sure how you can get better as an adult, but we who have children, need to take note and allow our kids some them think through what the best option is and that way they have skills to continue this practice through out their life

Anonymous said...

I am a very decisive person. In fact, I am so decisive that I occasionally scare folks with how quick I come up with my decisions.

An inability to make a decision is teetering on procastination. And procrastination rarely leads to progress.

When it comes to decisions, I think of Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken".

Life is nothing more than a tapestry of decisions and once you become intimate with the patterns and recognizing them, it is just like dancing.

There's always a new dance coming out just like there is a new decision to be made (every now and then). Fortunately, I have a few heuristics up my sleeve and they seem to take care of 98% of my problems.

Anonymous said...

I finally realize I married the wrong person. I made my decision off of romance (Fantasy). Reality is coming to light and know I realize I have become what I am suppose to be and my spouse is mad cause we can't live in Wonderland anymore. I can't satisfy my spouse emotions nor her dreams. What can I do to get out of this bad decision? everyone in the real world says she is killing me and my family.

Anonymous said...

Funny that you should have this topic because I was thinking about this very thing today. Making decisons. My thing is that I analyse things to death. I am not an impulsive person.
I am watchful in situtations and I think about decisions and its consequences before I do them.

Am I a good decision maker?
In some cases, I would say yes, and other cases I would say no. It just depends on what it is.
I have to admit that I rely heavily upon the leading of the Holy Spirit, and its driving force as to whether or not something is right or wrong.
If the Holy Ghost tells me to wait on a matter, then thats what I do, irregardless of how *I* feel. If it leads me to go right ahead on a decision, then I go right ahead. But, and I have to add the word but, if it - the Holy spirit - leads me to do something, and I hesitate too long, then I get an uncomfortable, almost like a *constant nagging* in my spirit,(that just wont go away) because I hadnt done was I was led to do. Once I do what I am supposed to do, then everything seems right and all the ups and downs (pieces of the puzzle) all seem to fall in its rightful place.

Sista Elliott